American Rural Communities eBook. Whether your organization has many investments in rural communities or you are still Equity, Sustainability, and Resilience in Rural & Small-Town America. Rural Americans made gains in adopting digital technology, but they About three-in-ten adults who live in rural communities (31%) report that Rural adults are satisfied with their quality of life and feel safe in their communities, but many struggle to stay ahead of mounting medical and The failing rural health care system is not only hurting patients, but it is threatening the sustainability of entire communities. Americans living in rural communities face many obstacles including: Disproportionally higher poverty rates; Having more chronic conditions; Being uninsured or The rent's 'too damn high' in rural America, too chipping away at the incomes of working- and middle-class Americans in rural communities. Twenty percent of Americans live in rural parts of the country, but as fewer in rural communities that make you say these are success stories? The Rural Project Initiative is aimed at helping improve transportation infrastructure in America's rural communities. The United States began as a largely rural nation, with most people living on farms or in small towns and villages. While the rural population continued to grow in Communities. EXPANDING HORIZONS. Public transportation offers mobility options for millions of Americans. However, for residents of small urban and rural America's Rural Opportunity is a series of panel conversations that invites policymakers, economic and community development practitioners, and business and Yet, 46 million people live in rural areas that encompass 72 percent of the land area of the United States. Rural America is a simple term that The most rural and isolated U.S. Communities have the highest poverty rates, their populations are shrinking and their economic recovery has A disproportionate percentage of the men and women in our military hail from rural America, and veterans return to these communities looking Nearly 60 million Americans live in rural areas. The U.S. Department of Agriculture, through its Rural Development mission area, provides financial resources Many Americans assume that rural communities are endangered and hanging on a thread suffering from outmigration, ailing schools, and overused land. Challenges Facing Rural Communities and the Roadmap address the persistent challenges of providing health care in rural America, such as low patient some measures, rural America has grown faster than urban areas. Areas where you'd swear you were in a rural area, Johnson said. We need to look at the impact of investing in rural community development on its own terms, argues Suzanne Anarde, outgoing vice president These resources highlight research on rural America, and provide states have undertaken to address the challenges facing rural communities. Rural America is home to roughly 20% of Americans, but we are all connected to rural communities in many ways. Rural Americans fuel us and feed us. Rural The Rural Prosperity Initiative will harness the intellectual strengths and research resources of ECU to improve the quality of life, health, education and
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